I don't feel like I've talked to anyone lately, and that may be because we've gotten more done around this house in the last several days than we have in all of 2009. A strong statement, I know. But when you see this list of completed projects, you'll agree:
1.) Replaced deck steps
2.) Started and finished the dining room curtain
I couldn't find the pattern I bought a year ago when I found the fabric, so I went to JoAnn's and bought the exact same pattern again. Sounds silly, but it will take me another 6 months to find it. Totally worth the $10.
After really getting into the directions of how to sew this curtain, I realize I do not have nearly enough fabric. Sheesh. After some online searching for free patterns to no avail, I decided to wing it. I'm pleased with the finished product even though it's too long and has no backing.
3.) Hung dining room pictures
4.) Hung black and white pictures in living room - in progress as I type. Pictures forthcoming.
5.) Cleaned and organized the pantries
Oooooooh, Aaaahhhh
6.) Cleaned out the fridge (minus the meat drawer, which I forgot about)
This fridge is so clean now that I would lick it, if I had to. But I don't forsee anyone daring me to do that, since I'm not planning any 7th grade sleepovers anytime soon.
7.) Finished a 12-page Not-For Profit Marketing final
8.) Ran 6 miles on Saturday and thus kicked off training for the Fort Wayne mini
9.) Finally found/purchased a cheap end table for the living room
10.) Put up 70 quart-sized bags of freezer corn for the winter. Lori, Baleigh, and Mom visited, so I am in no way taking the credit for this one.
15 dozen ears of My Dad's Sweet Corn
11.) Bought a running watch
12.) Ordered prints for the Italy scrapbook
13.) Ironed and put away a small mountain of clean clothes (thanks to the help of my mommy while we waited for Lori and Baleigh...)
And no thanks to Bon-Bon, who only takes clean clothes out of laundry baskets and spreads them around the house.
Ahhhhhhh. I feel so much better now. I think Brent's happy the weekend is over. He's probably hoping the coming week doesn't involve me barking orders and mumbling something about a To-Do list...
I would pay five dollars to see you lick the inside of that refrigerator.
Make it ten!
I'm impressed!
I double dog dare you to lick that fridge! :) yeah i went there... love and miss you!
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