Saturday, August 20, 2011

34 Weeks

I think a belly picture in the midst of our moving chaos appropriately documents this pregnancy.  

How far along: 34 weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: 21 pounds

Maternity clothes:  Yes.  Definitely.

Feeling: Pretty good!  No complaints really.  Sometimes I catch myself waddling and try to straighten up and walk like a normal person again.  Bending over to pick something off the floor isn't so easy anymore.  

Sleep: Getting a little more difficult.  It takes awhile to get comfortable, I wake up at least once a night, and often find myself flipped over on my back when I wake up, which hurts sometimes.  Then I struggle a bit like a turtle to flip back over.  

Food cravings or aversions: Muffins are my new thing, and my love for potatoes is still going strong.

Appointment Update:
My 32 and 34 week appointments both went well.  I saw a midwife at 32 weeks just to try one out at the practice, and waited for an hour and 15 minutes to see her.  She did take more time with me, but I'm going back to the doctor group.  At my next appointment I was in and out in 15 minutes.  Yes, I'll take efficient over chatty any day.  The midwife thinks the baby is vertex, and I do too based on much stronger movement up at my ribs than down low.  I'll make sure they check again at 36 weeks, but right now we're on track for a regular old delivery.  Blood pressure's good, the baby's measuring right on track, etc. - uneventful, which is good!!  I've been given no weight estimates and there are no more ultrasounds planned, which is fine with me.

Movement: Consistent movement every day and it seems to be slowing down a bit.  Makes sense to me, since there isn't as much room in there anymore!  

Gender: Final prediction - boy.  The cup of crystals I peed into this week confirmed this.  (It was some gender prediction kit that Lana bought me as a joke.)

Labor Signs: occasional cramping and maybe a contraction or two (not that I would know what they feel like), but nothing that needs timed.  Probably just Braxton Hicks.

What I miss: Being as active as I would like.  Being at home with my friends and family.  The distance seems really far to me now that I am confined here for the next however many months and can't/shouldn't travel very far.

What I'm nervous about:
 Having enough time to prepare everything for the baby before it arrives.  The crib is still in pieces in our garage, and will need some time to dry and off-gas before we put it together.  I know that the crib isn't necessary at first, but I would like to get the nursery painted/put together before I have the baby.  We'll get there!  I keep saying, "Just give me three more weeks and then let's get this whole labor and delivery thing out of the way!".  We could have a baby in two weeks or six+ weeks, so maybe I'll end up with plenty of time for everything!

I'm also nervous about what we'll do with Bonnie if I have to go to the hospital in the middle of the night.  We now live pretty far from our hospital and are only able to drop her off at our usual boarding place between 7 and 7, if they have room for her.  I really don't feel like I know anyone well enough here to ask them to deal with my dog, and don't want Brent to leave me at the hospital while I'm in labor to run home to take Bonnie somewhere.  I'm trying to work this all out and like so many other things, it just depends on when the baby comes.

What I'm looking forward to: Maternity pictures tomorrow and getting the nursery finished.

Milestones and new this week: The baby weighs about 5.5 pounds and is working on gaining weight and getting those lungs ready.    


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