Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 - The Year without Resolution

A wise woman once told me that everything about how I looked on my wedding day was perfect - because my hair, make-up, and dress all were "me", just a little more glam.  She said I had created the best version of myself that day. 

This year, I am not holding myself to any resolutions except for this one thing - create the best version of myself.

The things that create your best self are fairly simple, and it's the convergence of all of these things that create a sparkly, classy you.

So here's what I plan to do this year to make 2011 the year of being the best Lindsey I can be:

1. Center myself in God - giving up my worries, being thankful for His blessings, and asking for His guidance.
2. Keep everything simple.   
3. Be pleasant even when I don't feel like it, and not so hard on people for their stupid choices.
4. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise 4-5 times a week - and it doesn't have to be running. 
5. Respond to email/messages immediately.
6. Less time on Facebook and The Bump - more time reading thoughtful articles and the news.
7. Be more attentive to family and friends - send birthday cards, celebrate accomplishments, and provide support.

I can think of more ways to create my best self, but the list is getting a little long as it is, and the whole point is to keep it simple.  I'm taking a little break from the Life List this year, but I'm at least bound to knock off two more Presidential Libraries - Truman and Eisenhower - that are located on I-70 between here and Denver. 

Happy 2011, blog readers!


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