Saturday, October 24, 2009

CPA Banquet

Last Friday we went to the Indiana CPA Society annual banquet and awards ceremony.  This was my third time - I was there in 2004 for Manchester's 3rd place finish in the case study competition, 2007 when Brent passed the exam, and was finally attending for passing the exam myself.  I was the big nerd who brought her parents along.  Brent really thought I was ridiculous.  But hey, since they paid for my college, the least I can do is to invite them to a dinner, dorky or not.  I appreciated them hanging in there through the awards ceremony, packed full of accounting humor.  Or attempts at it...CPAs don't get paid the big bucks to be stand-up comedians.

Here's the only picture of the evening since I forgot to charge the camera battery....

It was a nice night of celebrating a big accomplishment and seeing old Manchester friends!  And, most importantly, was an excuse to buy a new dress.  :)

1 comment:

ashley said...

YAY for you! congrats again on your accomplishment! i'm gonna go out on a limb and guess i would have brought my rents along too :) it's the firstborn in us!