Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Miss Bonnie Stevenson in Da House!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Three States, Two Wedding Events, One Packed Weekend
Ryne Sandberg's interview after conducting the 7th Inning Stretch...he is completely blocked by that white pole, so you'll have to use your imagination.
We ate at Giordano's after the Cards smoked the Cubs and we were back downtown. I called down to the conceriege to ask the location and was put on hold for what seemed like 10 minutes. (Probably wasn't that long, but I'm pretty impatient.) I called again and was asked again, "May I put you on hold?" to which I responded, "No, I've been on hold for several minutes already and I just have a quick question." She rattled off some location to me which was perfect, all we needed, right?
So we get to the intersection of Lake and Michigan, and we cannot find this place anywhere. After walking around several more blocks and texting back and forth with Cha-Cha, we found it. The lady failed to mention that this restaurant is in the Prudential Building. Yeah, you can see it from the street, but it's set back a ways and was hard to find.
Two lessons: 1.) I guess if you tell the conceriege what's up, don't expect very thorough directions, and 2.) Just bite the bullet and pay for the monthly data plan. I could have looked that up myself had I been equipped with a Blackberry and internet.
We ate almost an entire medium deep dish-style pizza, by the way. Our waitress doubted us, but I knew that my husband could do it.
We had a great time at the shower and I must give another shout-out to all my friends. We all went to college together and then added the lovely Becca to our group later on through Mel. These are the type of friends that you can go without seeing for a year or more and pick up again like you just talked yesterday. I never feel more refreshed than when I'm out with these amazing women, and it's not just because they laugh at my stories. These are high-quality peeps and I am lucky to have found them all! Can't wait to see EVERYONE at Emma's wedding!
Happy Birthday, Blog!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Day Three
We made our way to the French Market, seeking shelter in little boutiques along the way. The French Market turned out to be a flea market, and compared to Shipshewana it wasn't much. However, there were lots of alligator claws, voodoo dolls, and feathered masks that I don't recall ever seeing in Shipshe. I bought a candle, a picture, yada yada yada.
Yup, here I am in the French Market
Yes, except they're not. But we love them.
On a side note, if you EVER see me driving around with this sign in my car, please schedule an intervention. (I hope this doesn't offend any extreme pet lovers...but come on, Westie Taxi??)
After shopping we went to the original Cafe Du Monde, which serves cafe au lait and French doughnuts called Beignets. In Nawlins, the natives call these "Bay-ja-nets", and in French they're pronounced "Ben-yays". Now, three years of French in high school doesn't make me an expert, and I kept getting confused. I kept pretending like I could pronounce everything, but I really couldn't. It was fun testing my French...and finding out that I needed to start over with "Je m'appelle" and learning how to count to ten. By the way, you can order Beignet mix at the link above, which means these doughnuts are at your fingertips...all you have to do is fry them up.
Brent, pondering about when his doughnuts will be ready.
We went to dinner at another Brennan restaurant, where I tried ratatouille for the first time. I just love the movie, so I was pretty pumped to try it. Needless to say, it was surprising when a side plate of vegetables, mainly eggplant, was delivered to the table. I don't know what I expected, but something more than veggies! It was okay, but I expected more after the way the food critic carried on about the rat's creation in the movie. As Big Lou explained it to me, that's entirely the point of having the rat serve ratatouille - because it's simple and it reminded the critic of his childhood when his mother made the dish and before he became such a snoot. Well - okay - but I just figured it was because it was a RAT making RATatouille. Is it just me or is Pixar/Disney more complicated than it used to be?
Ratatouille...doesn't look that great, eh?
By the way, our waiter was propositioned by a woman at the table next to us...and he accepted. She was a little crazy, and he seemed to like it. Guess you had to be there, but I was uncomfortable.
Brent and I headed back to the hotel pretty early since it was Sunday night and not much was happening. We stopped at Harrah's first, which was caddy-corner to the hotel, and proceeded to lose $50 in about 3 minutes at a Blackjack table. We weren't even sitting there long enough to get a free drink! I'm not much of a gambler, but according to Brent the $10 minimum really messed with us. I AM a math person, and I can understand how that happened. We high-tailed it out of there, but not before getting our clothes all smoky.
Day Four - Join us as we visit plantation country and make our way to Austin.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Day Two - "Mississippi Moon wontcha keep on shinin' on me"
The drive across Lake Ponchatrain. I knew it was a big lake, but it really feels large when you're driving across it...and all you can see around you is water.
View of the Crescent from the hotel
The riverboat tour we were going to take but missed by a few minutes.
We did not get to see the former Manning residence in the Garden District where Peytie-Pie learned to throw a football while Archie was playing for the Saints, but we DID get to see the house where Confederate leader Jefferson Davis died and another house that Mark Twain visited frequently. Almost as cool.
The house Mark Twain visited
And where Davis died
A cool restaurant in the Garden District...owned by none other than...the Brennan's.
That silly, unpredictable trolley
We experienced Bourbon Street on a Saturday night, and it surprised me that people were throwing beads on just any old Saturday. I can only imagine what it's like during Mardi Gras! At Pat O'Brien's I ordered the Sazerac, only I couldn't remember what it was called so I ordered, "The famous New Orleans drink, it starts with an S...you know the one I'm talking about?" The bartender did, and replied, "That's gross! But okay." I found the recipe on The Gumbo Pages when I tried to remember what it was called (and how to spell it) if you're interested, but unless you enjoy a nip of rye whiskey now and again, you won't like it. I hated it...I think that guy at the restaurant was pulling our leg. So much for Southern hospitality! :) The website claims it to be "the quintessential New Orleans cocktail. There are those who say this is the first cocktail, period." And that "Hurricanes are for tourists. Sazeracs are for natives." T-dat. Pass me a Hurricane, please.1 teaspoon of simple syrup (or 1 sugar cube or 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar)
4 dashes Peychaud's bitters
1 small dash Angostura bitters (optional; it helps open the flavors, but hardcore traditionalists may leave it out)
2 ounces rye whiskey
1/2 teaspoon absinthe, or Herbsaint (a New Orleans brand of anise liqueur)
Strip of lemon peel
Saint Louis Cathedral at sunset
On Day Three of our journey we will face the elements and battle Tropical Storm Fay.
Until next time, Bloggers!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Southern Splendor
Anyway, here we go...
Day One - "The Stars Fell on Alabama"
On Friday, August 22nd Brent and I left for our Southern roadtrip right after work. The final destination of the trip was my friend Lucy's wedding in Houston over Labor Day weekend.
We started our adventure off the right way with a supper stop at the Cracker Barrel in Cave City, KY. More sweet tea, please. Dino World was also at the same exit but we'll save that for another trip.
We made it to Decatur, Alabama before stopping for the night. Highlights of Day One included:
* A group of men with mullets carrying cases of beer across our hotel parking lot as we unloaded the car. Then they crawled underneath a fence and headed off to the woods with a beer. Sounds like the fixin's for a good time!
* Stopping at a rest area that had an old space shuttle anchored to the ground.
* Brent's first time playing the name game in the car. You know, you pick a topic and then go back and forth as you work through the alphabet...
So....not many highlights in Alabama.
Stay tuned for Day Two...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
A Bonnie Update...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Fault of Blogger...
Goodnight, Blog Friends...
Happy Friday!