New stuff this month:
*Words: water, milk, truck (GUH), dog, boots, shoes, binky, book
*Signs: monkey, hat, dog, and some signs that you're good at but we unfortunately don't know. We need to remember to ask Ms. Krysta and Ms. Annie this week.
Official stats from our (new) pedi visit last week:
*Weight - 27 lbs, 1 oz (75%)
*Height - 33 inches (68%)
*Head Circumference - 19 1/2 inches (92%)
*Teeth - Still 12. The top cuspids are getting ready to pop through soon.
*Clothing - 18-24 months, some 12-18m or even 2T depending on the item or brand. Still size 5 diapers, same setting on your cloth dipes.
Here are a few gems from your 18 month photo shoot. You weren't really in the mood.
WE LOVE YOU. Even when you make faces like this.
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