Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Dog

My Bonnie just loves the snow.  I would love the snow more if we were getting some cancellations out of the deal - I know, whining government employee, right?  Doesn't hurt to hope for one! 

But back to Bonnie and the snow.  I haven't posted much about her lately, and that might be because she hasn't done anything especially bad.  She is really becoming quite the nice little dog but is still a bit rough around the edges.  For instance, we have a really hard time getting her to come inside when we call.  It usually ends in a stand-off with both Brent and I trying to corner her against her Invisible Fence.  The only problem is that she's figured out that she can get through the fence and move freely between the front and back yards if she runs very close to the house, making it very hard to catch her.  I was cooking dinner tonight and couldn't put my snow gear on to help Brent.  We tried the classic "Shake-a-Bag-of-Deli-Turkey-Out-the-Front-Door" move to no avail.  Then, I walked my skillet full of half-cooked hamburger to the door, where she stood watching me from the door frame with her head cocked to the side.  Nope.  Brent chased her around the yard, hoping a snow drift might slow her down.  Finally, in a last-ditch effort of desperation, he laid down in the snow on the deck and played dead.  Curious, Bonnie walked up to see what the heck he was doing.  That's when he grabbed her.

You know, I've read before that the Westie in general is trying to out-smart its opponents.  Do you think that's happening here?

I leave you with a video of Bonnie watching Puppy Bowl VI on the Animal Planet.  It's basically a bunch of puppies rolling around in a pin that resembles a football field.  She loves other dogs and is also a pretty good TV-watcher, so this is right up her alley.  My favorite is when she looks behind the TV for the dogs, and then checks in the fireplace before looking for them out the front door.

Okay - correction - there is no video.  I can't get it to load but will keep working on it.


ashley said...

love this post. especially since i've been on the phone with you a time or two when you've been beckoning for bonnie! :)

nice work brent!

Bob and LouAnne said...

Love that dog, except when she pees on my couch.

Emily said...

I love that dog!!!

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