Rob sure worked hard today. He was moved off of his new rotation bed onto a regular hospital bed, had his CT scan, and underwent three hours of orthopedic surgery this afternoon before entertaining visitors this evening. By entertained, I mean he just laid there while we all hovered around him. His mouth moved once when I was talking to him, but he was pretty sedated tonight. By the ouchie look of the rods sticking out of his left leg, I'd say that's probably a good thing.
His surgeon worked on the left knee and finished the left ankle and right foot today. He wasn't able to do the right hand, but we think it was more because he ran out of time and not because Rob wasn't doing well. The bottom line is that from an orthopedic standpoint, Rob's surgery was more complicated than it needed to be because of the length of time that has passed since the accident. The trauma ortho team prefers to do these repair surgeries within a day or two, not two weeks. They've been hovering and waiting for him to be stable enough to endure the procedure. (We know that hovering and waiting feeling well!) Because of this, the surgeon explained that the left ankle isn't going to be perfect and the left knee is now very difficult to fix. On a scale of 1 to 6, the damage to his knee is a 5. He'll have at least one more surgery on the knee, but probably more, to stabilize it.
I'm sad for Rob that his knee probably won't ever be quite the same but also thankful that so far it's the only thing I suspect will not completely return to normal. We'll definitely take a less than 100% knee - and I'm sure at some point, he will too.
We learned today that his collarbone and scapula breaks will more than likely not need surgical repair. Other than getting his lungs back up to speed, he will still need repair work done on the right hand, left hip socket fracture, and the left knee. I believe the fracture in his pelvis will also heal without surgery, but I might have that wrong.
All in all, I feel like this is so much better than what we originally braced ourselves to face.
Rob could have surgery again at any time starting on Wednesday if he'll tolerate it. They're giving him a day to rest, but the sooner they can continue the better. I have a feeling this will be the main activity over the next few weeks now that we know his brain is okay. After the surgeries, I think they'll start on breathing trials without the vent.
It feels good to have some idea of where we're headed now, even though it will all probably change by the weekend.
Thank you for continuing to support us and for your prayers. :)
And a big thank you to Ashley and Andrew for watching Jack again tonight. Brent and I did a little hospital visiting and then went out to dinner alone for the first time in three months. We really needed it! Thanks so much, friends!
Three big cheers for Rob. May today be another day of continued hope and improvement.
Hi Lindsey...this is Susie Hayes from Effingham! Just heard about your brother....Thanks for your blog. You should write a book! God is good and is definately watching over Rob! Sounds like he has a long road to go...Brent and I are sending hugs to you and your entire family. Please tell your mom and dad we are thinking and praying for all....I will keep reading and praying and praying...Love Susie and Brent and family
This is all such great news!!!! Go Rob! Go!!
So happy reading today's news, and so grateful to God for the messages you are sharing with us. Our prayers continue! (and P.S. - would be HAPPY to babysit Jack...just call :-))
Praise God! Rob and your family have our constant prayers. Your blog is a wonderful way to keep so many people up-to-date. Thank YOU for doing this for Rob and all of us that care.
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