Friday, December 30, 2011

2nd Surgery Complete!

Rob had his trach procedure and another round of ortho surgery this morning and did very well.  The trach was supposed to be done yesterday, yes, but faulty equipment or some other malfunction pushed it to today instead.  When Dad arrived in the ICU this morning Rob was wide awake, and when Dad left he said he looks like Rob again now that the tubes are out of his mouth. 

There have been some changes lately on the orthopedic repair front.  Another surgeon looked at Rob's x-rays and thinks that the fracture in the hip socket can be left alone.  It isn't at a load-bearing place and he doesn't want to mess with it.  This morning the rods were removed from the left knee and a metal plate was inserted to hold everything in place.  Another metal plate was inserted in his right hand.  His surgeon said the knee is now stable and didn't make any mention of more surgery, but we will of course just take it as it comes. 

I think that just might be the key to staying sane through this - proper expectation management.  And by management, I mean don't have any expectations because they will change.  We know that God is taking care of Rob and we have the utmost confidence in Rob's medical team.  We have been so impressed by the quality of his care and feel good about the decisions they have made to get him to this point.     


1 comment:

Lana Kroft said...

I have been reading your updates on a daily basis. I am so happy to hear that Rob is doing well. Justin and I are always thinking of you and your family.