Rob's vent settings are still at 14 breaths per minute and he's responded very well to that. He takes anywhere between 27 and 32 breaths per minute, so about half of those are initiated on his own. The ventilator still helps him finish each breath, but he's doing way more on his own now than before. The PEEP was turned back up a little today to help him out and not change too much, too soon. At one point his oxygen was turned down to 30% and is now back to 60% for the same reason. It feels like we're moving in the right direction.
Now I would like to introduce a little blog segment called:
"Shelby Isn't Shaving Until Rob Can"
Rob's friend Shelby has launched a shaving strike until Rob's up and at 'em again. We'll check in occasionally and see how that beard's coming along!
Speaking of facial hair, I noticed for the first time today that Rob's working on a mustache and beard himself. I told him that he might wake up as a burly mountain man. Maybe we'll mess with him a little and tell him he's been castaway at sea, Tom Hanks style.
I wouldn't really do that. That's just not nice.
In all seriousness, I thank God every day for this miracle that is being unfolded each new day. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Lord, please continue to watch over Rob and finish this through until he's home and healthy.
Your entry today reminded me of this verse.
Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
May the hope and joy that came with Christ's birth surround your family this Christmas day.
We rejoice in God's goodness and Rob's progress. Don't let the holidays stop you from calling to drop off Jack. We are at home Christmas day with few family members here. He would be no problem. Love to you all!
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