It's been a long time since I've had an actual update and all our comings and goings have started to get a little jumbled in my mind. I guess that's why I do the blog in the first place - to remember! Here's my best attempt at a catch-up post, organized into categories with the best of my ability.
Interest Rates, Mortgage Refinancing, and Unidentified Wetness.
We finally refinanced on our house last month. We really meant to do it last fall but just kept putting it off. I'm glad that we did, because we got a much lower rate in the end. Who knew those rates could get any lower than Nov. 2009? Here's a funny anecdote from the afternoon of closing:
We had to stop at our bank first and get a bank check for closing costs. As we were standing at the teller window, I looked down at the tile floor and noticed water drops. It wasn't raining that day, so my mind immediately skipped to urine. "Hmmm, did someone pee right here at this teller window? Sick!" (I know, pretty unlikely...but it's the first place my mind went.) We headed to the bank where our closing was held, and as we got out of the car, I noticed that the floorboard of the car was wet, too. Weird! It wasn't until we were standing on the tile floor of bank #2 and I heard the dripping that I realized the leaker was ME! The cap had come off the water bottle in my purse, and the entire purse bottom was filled with water - a lot of water. There was a trail of water all the way back to the door. I quickly moved to the carpet so I could drip indiscreetly. Everything was soaked, including the six sheets of Forever stamps I have been hoarding in expectation of an increase in postage next year. But at least it wasn't pee.
Fall Concerts
My friend Carrie works at the Speedway, and was able to score two of the company's box seats at Conseco for the Zac Brown Band concert. I liked a few of their songs before I went, but honestly that concert gave me a whole new appreciation! I was absolutely blown away by this group...and think that Zac Brown is adorable. I mean, he looks like a little cuddly bear cub, so give me a break. Thank you, Carrie, for the awesome seats to this very excellent concert!
Brent celebrated his golden birthday last week! He turned 29 on the 29th and is now on the slow descent to 30. He stirred from his Purdue sports-induced depression long enough on Sunday to enjoy dinner at Sapporo and have a slice of DQ ice cream cake before the Colts lost to the Chargers. On his actual birthday, we met up with Adam and one of his friends at Scotty's downtown before the main event - a Shinedown acoustic concert at the Murat.
Another great concert, but a little late for me. It was a Monday night, and I knew when they had only played four songs by 10:20 that my 6:30 a.m. work start the next morning was in jeopardy.
November is the month when college football and college basketball collide, so we made several trips to West Lafayette recently. Most of those trips have ended poorly on the football end, but basketball seems to be a little more promising...
hopefully. At halftime of the Austin Peay game, we got to visit with my friend Deric from high school. It had been, oh, maybe 6 or 7 years since we'd seen each other, so that was a nice surprise! He and his lovely wife, Amanda, live in Arkansas and are expecting their first baby in January.
Update on off-brand yeast:
The dough - it riseth.